This Summer You Can do Some Things to Protect Your Hearing

Man trimming bushes with electric trimmer while wearing hearing protection.

Summer is here!

That means it’s time to go out and partake in all of the fun experiences that the season has to offer. But before you go to the beach, the concert, or the backyard barbecue, remember to protect your hearing.

When you’re out appreciating summer, remember that your hearing can be damaged by loud noises. So it’s important to take measures to safeguard your ears, particularly during the summer months when you’re more likely to experience loud noises.

Here are a few activities that are best experienced with earplugs.

Going for a swim

Even in clean pools, there can be parasites and bacteria that can lead to swimmer’s ear. Earplugs will help keep water out of your ears and stop infection.

Contaminated water getting inside of your ears, while normally not a serious issue, can have some negative repercussions. Temporary hearing loss, pain, and inflammation can be the consequence.

Left unaddressed, infections can lead to damage to the eardrum and the fragile inner workings of the ear.

If you are going into a hot tub or pool it won’t be possible to avoid all germs and pathogens, but your ears can get a level of protection by wearing a set of swimmers earplugs.

Concerts and live performances

Summer is the ideal time for an evening of live music. Because the performers are trying to reach such a big audience, however, volume levels are usually really high.

Depending on where you’re standing at the venue, you could be exposed to as many as 120 decibels (dB). These volume levels can immediately cause hearing loss that can be permanent.

Earplugs will stop some of that sound but won’t distort it. Earplugs have an NRR rating with a range of 20 to 33, which determines the strength of the protection. 20dB of sound will be stopped by earplugs with a 20 NRR rating. So if you’re attending a concert with 120dB of sound, it will be reduced to 100dB.

But that degree of sound can still potentially harm your hearing.

Protecting your hearing will mean using a higher NRR the closer to the speakers you will be standing. Within 15 minutes, you can develop permanent hearing damage even if you make use of the highest level of protection. Wear earplugs and stand well away from the speakers for best protection.

The same goes for indoor concerts, sporting events, plays, movies, barbecues, celebrations, or other events where sounds are being amplified through speakers.

property maintenance

You do it every week, but the grass keeps growing. You routinely edge the flowerbeds and weed the steps to keep your yard from looking like a mess. Then you use a weed-whacker to clean up around the trees.

Power equipment and other yard tools can be very loud, and prolonged exposure can and will harm your hearing. The noise from this equipment can be decreased and your ears can be safeguarded by using earplugs.

If you aren’t wearing earplugs when you use the mower, over time, you will be observably doing hearing loss.

Independence Day

They’re an essential aspect of Independence Day. On the 4th of July, we will all be celebrating our country’s independence. But there’s a negative side to fireworks. They can produce up to 175dB of noise. If you shot a gun right near your head it would be around this volume.

You’ll absolutely want earplugs if you’re attending a big fireworks show. If you’re near to the action, the highest NRR rating is suggested. You’ll still be able to hear the fireworks and they will still be loud, but you’ll be safeguarding your hearing from future hearing loss.

Safeguarding your hearing is important

Don’t wait until your hearing loss is extreme to seek help. Most people most likely won’t even realize that their hearing is slowly going until it’s too late, and regrettably, it’s irreversible. Call us right away so we can help you determine any risks you might have.

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